Saturday, November 27, 2010


I could not be more depressed right now. Our 10-minute run on Wednesday was fine. My knee felt pretty good...toward the very end I started feeling like if I had gone much further it might have started hurting, but it didn't hurt from 10 minutes. We didn't get to do our 15-minute run on Friday because we decided last-minute to take a trip to Cincy to see Steve's grandma, because she probably won't be with us much longer. So we did our 15-minute run today (Saturday). Just as I had suspected on Wednesday, those 5 minutes past 10 started to hurt. It wasn't excruciating pain like last week when I first felt it, just a real ache. So when we got home I did a good amount of stretching for the IT band, and did some strengthening exercises too. No good...the more I walk around on it the more it's hurting. I just went to the basement for something and felt the same old pain doing the stairs. There's no way I can do 7-minute intervals x 6 tomorrow.

I'm so frustrated I want to cry. In fact, I have been crying. Times are really tough for us right now, and running is the one thing I have to look forward to and to feel good about. I just want to feel sorry for myself that the one thing that brings me joy right now may be taken from me. I don't know what to do...

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