Saturday, November 20, 2010

Well shit...

Today really kicked my butt! We were all set to do 6 intervals of 6 minutes each...I got through the first 4 no problem. In the 5th, my right knee started to hurt a bit & then got so bad I wasn't even able to finish that interval. Had to stop with 1:40 left, then walk through the 1-minute walk break. I tried to start running again at the beginning of the 6th interval but only made it about 30 seconds. After walking for several minutes, Steve got me going again just long enough to make up the time I missed. It hurt pretty badly just walking the cooldown back to the house. 

Steve, on the other hand, kicked ASS today!!! He only did the first 2 walk breaks, then ran through the rest PLUS ran an extra 6 minutes with me at the end. So he ended up running 33 minutes without stopping!! He could have run a 5k race today!! He was awesome! :)

Monday we only have to do a 10-minute straight run, and then a 15-minute run on Wednesday, so I'm hoping that'll be easy enough on my knee that I'll be back in good shape by next Saturday's run. It is way too early in the game to be having this kind of problem, damn it!

Well, short post today because we've gotta hop in the shower & get our Christmas tree up!! w00t!!

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