Monday, November 1, 2010

We're gettin' there!

We're getting there!! We just got back from running 6 sets of 4-minute intervals, phew! I'm really surprised that I have no trouble breathing...I don't really have any pain either, knock on wood. There's a slight twinge in my right knee from time to time, but we sort of slacked on our glucosamine last week w/everything that was going on so we're just now getting back on track there.  Not that I have any idea whether that really helps or not, but from a few other people's experiences I've read about online, they never really knew whether it was helping until for some reason they stopped taking it for a while and saw a difference. So we figure better safe than sorry. As far as I can tell there aren't any reasons not to take health issues.  I'm really excited for (or dreading, I can't tell) Wednesday. It'll be our first what I call "experimental run," where instead of doing intervals we try to run steadily for 10 minutes! I think we can do it!

Otherwise, things are all right...slowly but surely getting back on track. I got a good chunk of my grading done this weekend, and as long as I'm diligent about doing the rest next weekend, I should be doing great school-wise.  Gotta take tonight to get a couple homework assignments done while Steve's at his tax class, one of which is writing a test for my level.  Man does that suck. I already did one draft of it, but I've been told I took too much stuff from the past semesters' I guess I have to go back & change some more.  It's so silly; all the prior tests look exactly the same just with different character names & slightly different sentences. But whatever!

Anywho! Next post I'll be blogging about how our 10-minute run went :)  Wish us luck!!!

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