Monday, October 18, 2010

Not much time to blog...probably going to spend the next 5 hours grading, eek!

We just got back from our first run doing 3 minutes straight...5 intervals of 3/1. It really wasn't too bad! Steve is having problems with his shins/calves though...we're researching how to prevent and treat shin splints. Most of the info says it's usually due to pushing too hard, but I highly doubt that's the case. I think he really needs new shoes...alas, $100 for running shoes is really not in the cards right now. So he's gonna have to concentrate on strengthening his shin muscles, and stretching them.

As for me, I did really great today I think. I'm surprised by how little trouble I have breathing...I'm sure it's because our intervals are so short thus far, but still! I think I'm keeping a good pace, and my body is adjusting really well. I'm very happy with my progress :)

All right, back to the grading! w00t!

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