Saturday, October 16, 2010

Never too busy to run...

w00t!! Today is a busy damn day! We have the Annual Becker Halloween Bash tonight, and in the past few weeks we have not been able to scrape together any time to get ready for it. So last night and the night before I spent a few hours after school cleaning, blech! So far this morning we've done a bunch of grocery shopping and most of the rest of the cleaning, and Steve got all the food ready. But we still have to clean the bathroom & the kitchen, and DECORATE! Phew!

Howeva :) we still made time to get our run in!! We just got back from doing 2 minute intervals x 10. Steve had some trouble in the beginning with his ankle, and I got one hell of a stitch in my right side...I made the mistake of trying to breathe really big to try & get rid of it (while I was running) and ooooh, I felt like I might die! The strange part is the pain started pretty early on...oh well, I pushed through with the help of some deep slow breathing while I ran. In the last minute of the run, I really pushed to run faster, and it felt great! My legs really enjoyed getting to stretch out & go.

Well! Gotta go eat something & finish preparing to PARTAYY! I hope we both make it through the night without falling asleep!

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