Monday, February 6, 2012

Progress... has certainly been a while since I've updated this blog! 10 days shy of a year, to be exact.  How how do I summarize the past year in one post?

1) We did end up running the Flying Pig 10k last May! Not long before the race we had slacked a little bit, and the longest we ran in training before the race was 5 miles a few times. But we decided hey, it's just 1.2 miles more, we can do that! And sure enough, we did :)

2) We discovered our running kryptonite: summer heat! We ended up slacking considerably over the summer, because it's just hellish to try and run in the heat and humidity. 

3) We got back to it once the weather cooled off a little, and ran pretty consistently for a couple months...missed a few weeks toward the middle to end of fall semester, because I was so crazy busy with teaching, taking classes, running the study part of my thesis & singing in Illumination. 

4) About 2 and 1/2 weeks before the New Year we got back on track hardcore, and I'm working toward a half marathon. I wanted to do the Flying Pig half on May 6, but we've committed to working the March for Babies that weekend, so I'm looking at a half in Schaumburg on May 20 instead. That makes me really sad to be quite honest, because it'll be my first half marathon and I really really wanted it to be the Pig. But this way maybe more people can come cheer me on since it's closer to home :) Steve has been super busy working at H & R Block, so he's fallen behind on training and doesn't think he'll be able to work up to the half with me this time. 

We just finished doing Oliver, so I'm looking forward to having a normal schedule for a while so it's easier to fit my runs in and stay consistent. I'm trying to run 4 days a week instead of 3, most of which are 5k or 3.5 miles, and my long runs are on Saturdays. I've gotten back up to 6 miles in the long run, and will hopefully do 6.5 this weekend. Soon my short runs during the week will be getting gradually longer, until they get up to 4.5 or 5 miles. 

I should be running today, but I've just developed a cold from being around all those little kids so much lately. I think I need to take it a little easy so I don't make it worse.  

Schoolwise, I'm writing my Master's thesis this semester, so I'm only teaching one class two days a week. It's so fabulous, because it's saving us a lot of money on gas. Not to mention the class is FR601, which is a graduate-level reading course. It's a great experience and will look awesome on my resume. 

Lifewise, Steve and I will be moving down to West Lafayette/Lafayette in June sometime.  It's such a huge life change, and we're both really excited and nervous at the same time. We've been setting aside all the money he's making at Block this season for the move, and we'll be setting aside our tax refund for it as hopefully that'll make everything less stressful b/c we should have plenty of money for security deposit and the first couple months' rent and whatever stuff we have to buy when we get down there. I feel a weird sense of guilt sometimes that here I came into Steve's life and now he's moving away from the life he's built up here, but that's what marriage's a new adventure that we're embarking on together. 

So I think that about sums up my running history of the last year, and where my life is now. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up the running, and I can't wait to be able to say that I've conquered the half marathon!!